


Give A Dedicated Gift to Support Ongoing Research!

Enduring Hearts is honored to announce Dr. Lori West MD, PhD, as the recipient of the 2025 Enduring Hearts Dedication Award for her commitment and contributions to the pediatric heart transplant field.  

Lori J. West, MD, DPhil is a Professor of Pediatrics, Surgery, Medical Microbiology/Immunology, and Laboratory Medicine/Pathology at the University of Alberta, Director of the Alberta Transplant Institute in Edmonton, Scientific Director of the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP) and member of the Enduring Hearts Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC).  

Dr. West has been at the forefront of pediatric and adult heart transplantation for over three decadesHer pioneering work on crossing ABO barriers led to a global impact on infant heart transplantation and significantly increased the survival rates of infants born with congenital heart disease.  

Dr. West’s hard work and dedication have built a national framework inclusive of all streams of research across all organ transplants, demonstrating the transformative power of collaborative team science.  

"Dr. West has been a pioneer in the field of pediatric heart transplant and her scientific bravery has opened up an entirely new way to increase donor opportunities for children. I am very grateful that I get to work alongside her, learn from her expertise and be inspired by her enthusiasm to continue to learn and push the boundaries of the field." 

- Dr. Jennifer Conway, MD, FRCPC, MSc



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